Research Group: The Production of Public Understanding of Science
I am one of the Principle Investigators of the The Production of Public Understanding of Science (PoPUS) project along with Matthew Slater. This project investigates the nature of public understanding with an eye to facilitating its production, especially in the case of public understanding of science. Our current research interests include public conceptions of scientific consensus, trust on science and scientific expertise, and effective messaging on ideologically-entangled issues. Some of our most recent work includes studying messaging on mask-wearing for COVID-19 and creation of a novel scale to measure public knowledge of the social enterprise of science, both with Asheley R. Landrum.
Public Understanding and Opinion of Climate Change
I am generally interested in public understanding of climate change and effective climate change communication. I began this work with my dissertation, which examined public understanding of climate change in university students and I continue research in student comprehension, understanding, and action regarding climate change. I am also working on qualitative and quantitative studies of public opinion and understanding of climate change and other environmental issues. The goal of my work is to better inform climate change education and communication. .